It is not possible to always remember all the SMS commands for 'AndroidLost' app but 'AndroidLost Client' app helps us to send SMS easily and take control of the stolen phone. AndroidLost Client allows you to control (via SMS) the devices in which AndroidLost app is installed
Install this app in any android phone and you will be able to send the SMS commands to your stolen phone by entering your phone number and the PIN. This PIN is the security key which can be set in the website. The app allows us to choose the SMS commands from a dropdown box where all the commands are displayed.
If the thief has changed the SIM then you will be notified by an SMS which will be sent to the trusted phone numbers you set in the website. So you need not worry even if the thief has changed the SIM, you can still send SMS commands and take over the control of your phone.
Get 'AndroidLost Client' Here
Wanna know more about AndroidLost app? Check it out Here